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[綜合討論] [日版]最新的洗p連儲值圖文教學 比chobirich快很多 方法轉至巴哈(靈魂傳播者)

 樓主| 發表於 19-8-2006 11:28:35 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by chiT at 2006-8-18 13:53:

我裝完firefox就OK喇.. 終於有點數喇bao_49

[ Last edited by chiT on 2006-8-18 at 11:07 PM ]

java script問題 改用firefox就解決到 你話下載野果度係因為佢有錯誤 佢下載左錯誤既頁面
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發表於 19-8-2006 12:02:07 | 只看該作者
wtf i make two acc but i didn't recive any letter in email!!!1
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 樓主| 發表於 19-8-2006 20:27:10 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by andytsang at 2006-8-19 04:02:
wtf i make two acc but i didn't recive any letter in email!!!1

你用咩野e-mai 有d強大既信箱會全部擋哂架
推薦用msn + hotmail 來洗p 一收到信即知道 即按完成 l
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發表於 20-8-2006 08:46:57 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by Kardz at 2006-8-19 20:27:

你用咩野e-mai 有d強大既信箱會全部擋哂架
推薦用msn + hotmail 來洗p 一收到信即知道 即按完成 l

i mean the acc in pointlink wow...
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發表於 20-8-2006 16:48:16 | 只看該作者
請問係咪星期日 點果d 廣告係唔會有pt @@?...
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 樓主| 發表於 20-8-2006 21:35:07 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by andytsang at 2006-8-20 00:46:

i mean the acc in pointlink wow...

唔明你意思 咩叫 pointlink裡面既帳號收e-mail
pointlink 唔係信箱黎架啵=.=

Originally posted by 艾迪普雷斯 at 2006-8-20 08:48:
請問係咪星期日 點果d 廣告係唔會有pt @@?...

無詳細試過 但好似加唔多
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發表於 21-8-2006 19:04:37 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by Kardz at 2006-8-20 13:35:
無詳細試過 但好似加唔多

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發表於 23-8-2006 21:04:48 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by Kardz at 2006-8-20 21:35:

唔明你意思 咩叫 pointlink裡面既帳號收e-mail
pointlink 唔係信箱黎架啵=.=

無詳細試過 但好似加唔多

i mean i can't get the email from pointlink ar! but now i use hotMAIL OK LA but don't know where is the log in ID and password in the letter ar > <
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 樓主| 發表於 24-8-2006 10:36:07 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by andytsang at 2006-8-23 13:04:

i mean i can't get the email from pointlink ar! but now i use hotMAIL OK LA but don't know where is the log in ID and password in the letter ar > <

LOGIN用電郵同密碼  信箱=帳號 你有看我的圖片嗎(f24,)

[ Last edited by Kardz on 2006-8-24 at 01:48 PM ]
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 樓主| 發表於 24-8-2006 21:48:16 | 只看該作者
Originally posted by 艾迪普雷斯 at 2006-8-21 11:04:


我第一頁 240 同 1xx都係得既
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