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Cryptic ClueFest 2 解法!6/9 後拎唔到!手快有手慢無!f2p 都得

發表於 28-8-2010 20:57:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 superyyy2002 於 5-9-2010 15:17 編輯

上次感恩節送左大家一個「Magnifying glass」的 Cryptic clue 依家又開始左啦!

先給未玩過 Cryptic Clue 的人一個簡介:
呢個係 Jagex 在 RS offical forum 同 in-game 互動的一個解 puzzle 遊戲
每日會出一個 clue,解出 clue 後,帶齊指定數量的物品(唔可以 noted)去和指定的 NPC 對話就可以得到有關下一個要對話的 NPC 的 clue
(帶錯數量或物品,都會令和該 NPC 對話和平常無分別,帶齊了就會出現另一種對話)
在 3/9 前,只要順序由 day 1 的「帶 items 和 NPC 對話」做起,做到 day 6,就會有 reward
(只想知要帶乜 items 見乜 NPC 的話,就只睇要 reply 先睇到的 part 就可以了)

以下 solve 法都係我本人自己解的,Day 5、6 就出左貓來極速搞掂

今次的 reward 會係:

Day 1 —— Lumbridge Confidential

Clue 的內容
my shopping list
Remember tO Deliver Documents on thE way to the ClerK.
RING mould
3 PIeces of caKE
2 ruBber tUbes
Concentrated KhalphitE spiTS
10 FingErs from A newT
HERbal teaS

如果自己 solve 唔到又想知道方法的話就請反白以下呢一句:


Day 2 —— Broken Arrow

Clue 1 的內容
..also features more displays on our rich history. Resident art critic Jacques is particularly proud of our rare painting of King Lathas of Ardougne! So whether it is part of an educational visit, a daytrip around the City of Varrock, or to make substantial donations, please don't hesitate to visit us!

The first parchment seems to have been torn out of some form of advertisement for something.

Clue 2 的內容

Skyward hall of forgotten ages,
11 treasures stand in barless cages.
Find included some calculus expounded,
Compare conclusions with tables founded.

Two of Treasure 1: X + (6x6) = 48
Five of Treasure 2: Y + (65/5) = 60
Eight of Treasure 3: 3Z + 51 = 150

如果自己 solve 唔到又想知道方法的話就請反白以下呢一句:
去 Varrock Museum 頂樓(見 clue 1 及 clue 2 的「Skyward hall of forgotten ages」),對比一下 D display number 同你計到個三條 formula 的答案,記住 D 位置再對比下個 items table


f2p 據說去不到應去的地點,所以 Jagex 補了一幅該地方的地圖

Day 3 —— The Girl who played with Fire Runes

Clue 1 的內容
Sir Tiffy, Sir Amik, Sir Renittee, Sir Vant and Sir Gerry have each borrowed money from one of the others, and each has lent money to one of the others as well.
You know that none of them has lent money to more than one person and none of them has borrowed money from someone they have lent money to. You also know that:

1. Sir Tiffy borrowed money from Sir Amik
2. Sir Gerry did not lend money to Sir Amik
3. Sir Renitee lent money to Sir Vant
4. Sir Tiffy did not lend money to Sir Renitee

Who lent money to Sir Amik?
When you know the answer, consult below for the item you need.

Sir Tiffy = 4 Pots
Sir Gerry = 1 Body Rune
Sir Vant = 3 Bones
Sir Renitee = 2 Ropes

Clue 2 的內容
General Wartface, General Bentnose, Mudknuckles and Grubfoot have all been playing Gnomeball near the monastery. The ball smashed one of the precious stained-glass windows and a furious Monk demanded the goblins tell him which one had done it.

Wartface: “Not me! Me didn't break anything!. It was Grubfoot!”
Bentnose: “It was me, me broke it! Stupid human!”
Mudknuckles: “Don't be mad at Wartface, he no break nothing!”
Grubfoot: “Bentnose no break window! He is liar!!”

You know for a fact that the one who broke the window is lying, but any number of the others *could* be lying.

Whoever broke the window holds the answer you need.

General Wartface = 6 Fire Runes
General Bentnose = 3 Unstrung Holy Symbols
Mudknuckles = 5 Ashes
Grubfoot = 2 Shrimp

如果自己 solve 唔到又想知道方法的話就請反白以下呢一句:
clue 1 畫幅關係圖出來再諗

clue 2 既然打爛窗的一定講大話,Bentnose 就一定唔係打爛窗的

(分開 Bentnose 講真話同大話的兩個事例:
佢講真話 = 佢打爛窗,呢個同「打爛窗的一定講大話」有矛盾
佢講大話 = 佢無打爛窗,並無矛盾出現,所以 Bentnose 係講大話不過就無打爛窗)

之後沿住有關 Bentnose 的線索查下去

指定的 NPC 既然在 Party Pete 套不出情報,就去附近搵搵啦



參與人數 1樂點 +40 收起 理由
燎原火 + 40 熱心協助



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發表於 8-9-2010 18:18:17 | 只看該作者
等下年啦...  O.O
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發表於 7-9-2010 20:53:18 | 只看該作者
No, they are untradable. You can't buy them in ge  >.>
bluewinger 發表於 7-9-2010 17:16

    wtf!! T_T
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發表於 7-9-2010 17:23:28 | 只看該作者
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發表於 7-9-2010 17:16:13 | 只看該作者
are those items tradable in G.E.?
so i can buy a set
T.T omfg
kingtom 發表於 6-9-2010 21:39

    No, they are untradable. You can't buy them in ge  >.>
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發表於 6-9-2010 21:39:05 | 只看該作者
are those items tradable in G.E.?
so i can buy a set
T.T omfg
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發表於 5-9-2010 14:59:31 | 只看該作者
回復 48# kingtom

    sorry to hear that...
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發表於 4-9-2010 21:24:49 | 只看該作者
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發表於 3-9-2010 16:44:54 | 只看該作者
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發表於 2-9-2010 02:12:35 | 只看該作者
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